The Box That Rox has made it to the Event Production Show this year to exhibit its unique and exciting concept, with all the new bells and whistles added recently – including the very exciting SILENT KARAOKE feature!

The Event Production Show
The Event Production Show is an annual event (held this year at Olympia London), put on for exhibitors to show off their services and for event organisers to come and see what they’ve got to offer!
The show was spread out over two large halls and featured hundreds of exhibitors, ranging from dart throwing robots to Hologram experts to Virtual Reality demonstrators! Not to mention, of course, a fantastic Mobile Karaoke Live Room – The Box That Rox!

Our Pitch
It only felt right to show The Box That Rox in all its glory, and we even put up our 65-inch flat screen to display the singers rocking out in the Box!
We also had REAL GRASS! Supplied by Wow Grass to make our pitch look extra special, this gave us a real indoor/outdoor vibe!
Our stand was conveniently situated within a stone’s throw of the Pizza Express inside the exhibition hall, so sorting out our lunch was no problem at all!
Silent Karaoke
We are of course seasoned pros at putting on a rocking show to the crowds, but in some cases you may have the need for a quieter environment outside of the Box – no problem!
Introducing Silent Karaoke…
So if you have a band playing nearby and you don’t want the sound to interfere, or if you have neighbours that aren’t the karaoke lovers you wish they were, then we can provide the show outside in silence with our new headphone setup. And don’t worry, they are all wireless – so you can still dance without getting tangled up!